Monday, December 15, 2008

Back to Blogging

Hi all of you blog readers – all 10 or so of you!

I have had a long summer and fall. I’m not sure how much I want to share. Or rather write. Call me, and I’ll tell you most all of the details. I am more of a talker than writer. But I love to read. And I love to read blogs and find myself disappointed when the posts are few and far between (or not at ALL Faith Carol!). Also, writing on my blog was/is a good discipline for me. I am not good with follow through and starting a post, generally means, finishing a post. I do get some satisfaction out of that.

I keep trying to divide the last few months into good and bad categories but life is far too complicated for that. So, I think I am going to use interesting/exciting and boring/tiresome.


  • I was on the radio three times during the election season representing the League of Women Voters of which I am the current local President. I had never been on the radio before. Here is a link to the first of the shows if you feel so compelled. You have to use the box on the right to get to the show. I am on September 15th, the first link I think. I really enjoyed this and think I might enjoy being a radio personality.
  • I have seen a counselor/therapist off and on for the last seven years and I saw him more times this past summer and fall than all of years previous. (He’s leaving this practice and so I won’t see him again. In any case, I was starting to sound boring even to myself. See under Boring.)
  • The LWV helped pass a sales tax initiative to support our local public transportation system ~ 70-30%! (LWV is generally VERY opposed to sales tax because it is regressive. We have a long history of supporting public transportation and were instrumental in getting a local system in place to begin with and didn’t want to see it defunded.) There are very few elections that have a 70-30% victory spread. It was a nice mandate after a lot of hard work by the LWV and another local grassroots group. I moderated a very informative forum on this issue that I wish we would have had recorded. It related a lot of great information on many aspects of city government and public transportation.
  • I moderated a forum for the Students of Liberty at KU. They are Libertarians. It was great fun and very interesting. My daughter and Moritz –see next item- submitted a question regarding Zombies. It was accidentally submitted but entertaining none-the-less.
  • Our family, that being Anna & I for the most part, hosted a German exchange student for about 5 weeks. Moritz was a delight to have in our home and it made me realize how much I miss having boys around.
  • Anna spent six weeks in Germany early in June. I really missed her and it was a good insight into what life will be like when she is gone. That will go under boring.
  • I broke up and then got back together with my husband. This is still a touchy part of my life. In fact, we are together at the moment but it feels very delicate. This should also be posted under boring and tiresome. I used to say that Mark and I had been together off and on for 25 years. Now I say Mark and I have been breaking up off and on for 25 years. It is hard to determine if we are in a successful relationship or a failing relationship. I have my own culpability in the situation and in fact one of the previous break-ups came three plus years ago when I told Mark I wanted a divorce. We did not get divorced. This time around the split has been more of something he wants. I want to be married. My motives are sometimes entirely selfish and not about being in love. But after 25 years, a relationship becomes so much more than just about being in love. This summer has been emotionally tumultuous for me. No doubt for Mark as well. Some of the things sent me swimming in waters that I have carefully spent my entire adult life avoiding. I went without a lifejacket and remembered what I’ve always known: that no matter what, I’ll be ok. There are about 10 sentences in the above paragraph that I would like to expand on but that is for another day.
  • I got to go to California and visit my friend Mary Beth and her family. They kept me sane and grounded during one of the worst moments of the last 6 months. I will be forever grateful to MB, her family and especially her parents who helped make the trip possible with 24 hours notice. And to Mastercard. See below.
  • Nathan coached 8th grade football at one of the local junior highs and had a winning season. Congratulations Coach. He also took the LSAT. Mom’s proud!
  • Anna’s the Co-Director of the school musical, Guys and Dolls. Mom’s proud! For more on Anna –see below.
  • A new member of my family entered the world. Welcome Jamison Harlan.
  • And last, a new member of my family will enter the world in late May. Welcome to you baby.


  • No matter what the situation, you can only talk it through so many times. It starts to sound really boring and you never get any closer to understanding what happened or why. Sometimes, stuff just happens.
  • I hired and fired one Administrative Assistant.
  • I don’t always like being the boss.
  • One should not max out a brand new credit card in less than 45 days no matter what is going on in ones life. But see above.
  • Anna’s grades continue to go down and up. And up and down.

I am finding my Christmas cheer. I miss having Mary Beth to plan with. The children are older, and planning isn’t really as necessary. So, it is hard for me to get started. This year it is hard for me to get into it at all. I feel pretty lonely. The kids are busy, Mark is in Virginia and also busy. I am really, really looking forward to having this past year be over. And who knows what’s in store for 2009. Whatever, I’ll be ok.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Saturday, October 4, 2008


You have to scroll down a little. And the page changes - I posted on September 28th. Thanks!

Monday, August 4, 2008

New Holiday!

I declare today the first ever annual Mail a Package Day! Today I mailed two packages, one 6 months over due and the other too long to remember! Henceforth, every August 4th should be celebrated by mailing something long overdue and then enjoying the giddiness that follows such an incredible accomplishment.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What I do for fun

I enjoy politics and policy making. I don't always enjoy party politics. So about eight years ago I joined the League of Women Voters. It gives me the chance to be fiercely patriotic, to take part in thoughtful study of an issue, to encourage others to participate and to hang out with some of the smartest, coolest women (and men!) around. Check it out:

And register to vote. And then vote.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

I share well with others

I've always wanted to put that on my resume.

Anyway, Amy at Gift of Green nominated me for a blogging button. Very exciting. I got it because I comment on her blog. I've been delinquent in both posting and commenting. But as is appropriate, I am passing it on. So, my first ever blogging button goes to (drum roll) (as if it is a surprise)...

Salt and Chocolate

American Correspondent - I've posted on her blog though I don't know if she's posted on mine.


Lies by Doc - who is both fortunate and unfortunate enough to be my very talented cousin. So, he's obligated to post on my blog occasionally.

As per the request, I am linking to this post which is about organ donation and transplant. I am privileged to know this family and Addison is waiting on a liver transplant.

If you aren't already, consider being an organ donor.

I did it! Sort of.

I joined Gift of Green's Clothesline Challenge. And thanks to Amy, my other green friend Mary Beth, one dusty blanket and the 110 degree heat index in Lawrence, I've been a little kinder to Mother Earth today. The clothes pins crumbled in my hands, so it's just kind of thrown over the line. Small steps.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My new friend, a famous and upcoming journalist

I just had an incredible diner at Lamia Zia's house. She is a journalist from Pakistan. Here is an article she's written. Look for her blog coming soon !

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Six Unspectacular Quirks

Sorry I've been away so long. Thanks for all the comments about Nathan's graduation. June ends in one day. It was a long month and I will post more about that another day. Here's to catching up and getting one more thing off my to do list.

1. I like to eat my cereal out of cups (not mugs).

I bought these cups at a cool vintage thrift store in Portland.

2. I obsessively prefer Puffs to other tissue. (And no one at my office will forget it very soon and they laugh at me.)

3. I love stationary. I don't like to write much, not even letters.

4. I like to buy lotion. I have two kinds on my desk at work and a variety around the house in various rooms.

5. 3 is the magic number. I decide something, change my mind and then go back to the original decision. So wait for the third thing I say.

6. I don't like the skin of my knees touching when I sleep. I don't know if that is left over from being pregnant and sleeping with a pillow between my knees but I have to have long pjs or a sheet between my knees to fall asleep.

Yippee! Now what's next on the list...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Not a quirk

I have been tagged to post a "Six Unspectacular Quirks" meme, which I will accomplish soon. But I felt like I should post my most recent not-a-quirk. This is more the result of sustained and deliberate effort over 22 years, initially undertaken when I was just 20, the result of a spectacular quirk. I'm very proud. Nathan graduated from Grinnell on May 19th, completing a double major in Political Science and Psychology, in just 7 semesters. I am very, very proud.

Here are a couple of pictures.

And from the journey,

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Anna got her dress yesterday. She has her father's sense of "no hurry" despite the reality of time.

Anna, Stephanie,
Katherine and Kristen. Also Colby & Matthew.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Bragging Rights

Anna got a 32 (out of 36) on her ACT (college entrance exam of sorts). Without studying.

And she translated some of "Rehab" by Amy Winehouse into German. Nein, Nein, Nein.

I'm not sure which one makes me prouder.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Messing around with pictures

I'm experimenting with my profile picture. I admire the pictures on different blogs I read. I am not that photogenic nor am I a great photographer. I'm interested in finding just the right one but I'm not there yet. So, let me know if there is one you particularly like.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008




In Memphis
(These are links to the Lawrence-Journal World newspaper. Their site is busy! Keep trying.)
In Lawrence

Because I listened to the game on the radio, I am enjoying the pictures. Here are more.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


I am so happy that Spring is finally here!

March was a long month. Rainer got sick just after I was in California. That was the very end of February.

Then March started.

I had my own set of health problems that were not life threatening but they lasted all month and drained me of my energy. They are somewhat resolved and I am temporarily on blood pressure medication.

Mid-month, I reached my one-year anniversary in my new position at work as Director of Resident Services at the Lawrence-Douglas County Housing Authority. I have to say it has been one of the hardest but most rewarding experiences I have had. We were awarded all the HUD grants I applied for; I had people resign, quit and just walk-out (that was a really hard one) and I had people stay who supported me and our program and I couldn't be more grateful. I've hired great new staff and I survived the year with all their support. I love my staff. Here they are trying to get a bag out of a tree. I admit that I didn't think that it could be done, and it couldn't, but Deirdre said we should try, Chris was willing and Steve went out to provide support. I stood inside laughing, taking pictures and being grateful.

March brought an earlier Easter and Spring Break. Nathan went to Miami and got my camera wet so my pictures will come from my cell phone for awhile. (Including the one above. Not too bad really.) He was at home for a week after Miami and was really helpful while I was sick.

March ended with the Jayhawks getting into the final four.

And that brings April with good news for Rainer, a bit of warm weather

and one daffodil (in a yard that needs some attention!). And I won a drawing from Amy at Gift of Green. I'm very excited to get my book.

It has also brought a great visit with my cousin Nick from California. I hadn't seen him since I was 15. He, his mom and grandmother are spending a week in Wichita at my grandmother's. I drove down to see him and also saw two of my other cousins, Holly and Kelly. (As well as getting to hang out with my sister Audrey, due to have a baby yesterday!) I had so much fun. Nick, (who I call Nicky and he calls me Carrie Beth) may move back to Wichita. Maybe that will prompt me to take the 2 1/2 drive down more often. Our family has had its share of family drama so we don't get together all that often. Most of the drama belongs more to the parents than the cousins and our kids are all near grown, so maybe we will have more time to nurture those relationships. (I'll post some very amusing pictures as soon as I get them!)

And finally April brings VICTORY! We beat North Carolina, mostly Roy, very soundly. I am not one who was upset about him leaving KU. As a former Employment Specialist, I understood that sometimes you have to change jobs. But because it's the Tar Heels coached by Roy Williams, the victory was that much sweeter. Nathan just stopped by the house to trade his friend's Jeep in for my Toyota Yaris and they are off to San Antonio to see if KU can go all the way.

I hope there is much more April goodness to come.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"The Greatness and the Goodness of Our Nation"

This speech is THE SPEECH of my lifetime. I encourage you to listen.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Having a plan

Rainer is home! Mary Beth is very positive and ready to get on with it.

She and I are very different in many aspects of our personality. She is an incredible nurturer. I am a below average nurturer. I am outgoing and she is more introspective. One way in which we are both alike is that we react by, for lack of a better explanation, having a plan. Though I am very much "ask questions" and Mary Beth is more "wait and see", once we know we both want to move onto the next thing.

So, she's staying at home with Rainer for the next 8 weeks and is thinking about a daily schedule. I think that the day should include some reading. Lots of Boynton. Moo, Baa, La La La! And Boynton has a new website with stuff to do!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Everything is going well

I talked to Mary Beth last night. Rainer will actually get to come home Wednesday. He will still have to go up to Santa Barbara for weekly treatments. Mary Beth seemed very well given the circumstances. She's tired but really positive. They've given Rainer an 85-90% chance for total remission which is fantastic.

Mary Beth said she had a conversation with one of the nurses who said that just 50 years ago if your child was diagnosed with Leukemia, they just sent you home to wait it out. Despite the sometime harms and horridness of the insurance and pharmaceutical industries, THANK GOD FOR MODERN MEDICINE!

This will probably be my last update unless something changes dramatically. Thanks to all who read and those who posted. It's a nice little blogging community and maybe I will try to post more often.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Rainer has started chemo. Mary Beth's parents having been keeping Dieter. They were all able to go up to the hospital yesterday to visit. Carol, Mary Beth's mom, was happy to see that Rainer recognized her and did his "no" head shake like he does when Ken and Mary Beth drop him off for babysitting. In situations like this, even reject is heartwarming.

Dieter is doing very well staying with his grandparents. I am sending him this Hippo that I bought at Ikea on my visit. I bought it for my office. But Dieter and I had a good time playing with it so I am sending Hippo to keep him company.

It sounds like Rainer will be in the hospital for at least the next two weeks. I will try to post updates when I get them. I am an action oriented person. Being able to post on the blog has at least provided me with the illusion that I'm doing something. Thank you to everyone who is posting on my blog and on Mary Beth's.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Chemo Starts Today

Dear Little Rainer - You are better than this thing. As they fill your beautiful little body with these big bad fighting chemicals, remember that you have to come through. Picture it as walking through the cloudy, firey battlefield to your mama and "eursy" waiting on the other side. Let the fighting wage on because those chemicals have to do their job. But don't let them draw you into the battle. You bring your soul and little body past the battle. Hugs to you, your mama and daddy.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


This adorable little guy has been diagnosed with Leukemia. Please keep Rainer, Mary Beth, Ken and the rest of the children in your thoughts and prayers while they undertake the monumental task of healing little Rainer.

Mary Beth really loves her blogging community and I am sure she will post again when she has the time and strength. In the meantime, please send her your thoughts and good wishes. I briefly searched for a blog for parents of children with cancer but didn't find one. If anyone can find one, please send Mary Beth the link.

Fight little guy. Fight.

Friday, February 29, 2008

For all of you who read Salt and Chocolate

For all of you who read Mary Beth's blog, Salt and Chocolate, I asked her if I could post her news. Rainer has been sick. I don't know all of the details but they are now at a hospital in Santa Barbara having some tests run. Please keep her and her family in your thoughts.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Back Home

Lawrence is very cold!

I had a great trip though!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sunny California!!!

I am having such a great time!


Look at these cute children and Mary Beth is making PIE!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Passion Girl

Anna looked super cute for Valentine's Day!

LHS has a big variety show at the end of the year. One group that Anna is in is doing David Bowie's "Changes" and she's dressing up to match.

She is having so much more fun than I ever had in high school. I'm very proud of her.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Passion Woman

I'm off today in preparation to go visit Mary Beth in California - I'm so excited!!! At Mary Beth's suggestion (and because I have the time) I'm going to tell the story of Passion Woman. Back in 1996 or 1997 (I can't believe it's been over 10 years!) I started using Passion Woman to celebrate Valentine's Day. It came about for two reasons. First, I had so many female friends and co-workers who either didn't get Valentines from their honeys or who were single. Second, my daughter had asked me (in so many words) how come all holiday gift givers were male...even the Easter Bunny is portrayed as a boy. So, Passion Woman was born.

Passion Woman brings gifts that inspire your passion for life. For my friends, it was a balloon, a chocolate and a Valentine's Day wish. One year I made little notebooks, one year I gave out candles and one of my favorites was a magnet with the quote "Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things" Denis Diderot (1713-1784).

For my children, it was an ice cream scoop, a cool broom with a decorated handle for inspiring soaring through life. Stuff like that. My husband Mark became "Bobo the Valentine Swine" and my Valentine's Day gift was always being able to spend the money I wanted to be Passion Woman.

It was so fun. The first year there were about 12 recipients for Passion Woman gifts. I think the most passion ever disseminated was for 30. I ordered balloons, bought chocolates and just enjoyed the creativity of coming up with ideas. On Valentine's Day I got up very early and delivered to the gals I didn't work with. Anna became my trusty sidekick, Passion Girl.

Unfortunately, the last few years have been less passionate. I don't really know why. Last year my long-time supervisory had given notice and there was a lot of turmoil surrounding that and I didn't have much spare energy. After spending a year in my new job (the one vacated) I still don't have much spare energy. But I've spent the last several days sharing stories about Passion Woman and her adventures. And Anna saved the day today by dressing in a delightful red dress and armed with Valentines and went off to school as Passion Girl. So, despite her sabbatical, I think Passion Woman will live on.

Happy Valentine's Day ~ may you find soul elevating passion!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Farewell Heath...

I am very sad about Heath Ledger.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

"Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to open the doors of opportunity to all of God’s children. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood."

Martin Luther King, Jr
Washington D.C.
August 28, 1963

Now, January 21, 2008, would be a good time also.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The heartbreak of our children

Being a parent is so hard. The time commitment and physical exhaustion alone equal horrendous. But NOTHING is worse than having to guide your child through heartbreak and disappointment. Nathan had his fair share in both high school and college. (I'll post about all that later.) But this time it's Anna's tears that bring on my own.

They are replacing the Color Guard at Lawrence High with a dance team. My little Anna is a marcher not a dancer. As one of two returning seniors next year, she would have been Team Captain. And she is heartbroken. I have offered her dance lessons, even instrument lessons since the reason she joined Color Guard, just this past fall, was to hang out with her band friends. We are also going to look into her getting to practice with the KU Guard. But for now all I can do is offer comfort for her grief and it doesn't seem like enough.

She was pretty good too. Here is a little video from the show for the parents at the end of band camp. She's second from the left, in braids. She'd been at it about 3 weeks.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Holiday Season

As I didn't post during the holidays, I thought I would just put some pictures up.

Anna as Oscar Wilde for Halloween.

Winter Formal with Kristen, Paige (who made her dress!) and Anna.

Coach Grizz

and my dog...