Thursday, March 6, 2008


Rainer has started chemo. Mary Beth's parents having been keeping Dieter. They were all able to go up to the hospital yesterday to visit. Carol, Mary Beth's mom, was happy to see that Rainer recognized her and did his "no" head shake like he does when Ken and Mary Beth drop him off for babysitting. In situations like this, even reject is heartwarming.

Dieter is doing very well staying with his grandparents. I am sending him this Hippo that I bought at Ikea on my visit. I bought it for my office. But Dieter and I had a good time playing with it so I am sending Hippo to keep him company.

It sounds like Rainer will be in the hospital for at least the next two weeks. I will try to post updates when I get them. I am an action oriented person. Being able to post on the blog has at least provided me with the illusion that I'm doing something. Thank you to everyone who is posting on my blog and on Mary Beth's.


Our Adventures As A Family of 4.... said...

So glad to hear Rainier is doing well. You are a good friend Carrie. I love that Hippo, I may have to get one when we go to Ikea.


Mary said...

What a great friend Mary Beth has! I have been reading her blog for several months. I send my prays for Rainer and the family. It is so unfair a little guy has to go through this.

Gift of Green said...

Ha! Can you imagine if we all send Rainer Ikea hippos? He'd be the Hip-po-ist kid in the hospital! I am sure Dieter is enjoying his special time with Carol. My thoughts go out to all the kids, young and old(er).

Lina said...

Oh Carrie, I only just found out. Please send my best wishes to Mary Beth and her family, especially to her little man.