My cat likes to eat and then throw-up. It is annoying but we've had the cat for about 9 years
and it has really just become part of the fabric of our lives. Because she is bulimic she often feels that it is appropriate to eat at 2 o'clock in the morning. Because of that, she usually sleeps in the garage with her food and cat box. If you forget to put her out she comes to the bedroom (read that MY bedroom) and demands to be let out. Her demands come in the form of annoying mewling or, even worse, she moves the door back and forth with her paw. Someone moving your bedroom door at 2am wakes you rather quickly.
Recently the temperature in Lawrence has been 100+ degrees. So, kind cat owner that I am, I moved the cat inside. That involved bringing in the cat box and the food bowl. She drinks out of the dog's water dish. Speaking of the dog, the cat's food bowl has to be kept at a level so as not to be reached by the dog. So, it is on the dining room table. (Not to worry, we hardly ever use the table for eating OUR meals. It serves mostly as a desk .)
Which brings me back to the cat. The bulimic, I need to eat at 2am, and then puke cat. It turns out that the cat's demands to be let into the garage are not about getting TO the food.
Because even though the food is inside, the cat is still waking me up so I can ESCORT HER TO THE DINING ROOM TABLE. She better hope the temperature breaks soon.